A Quest to Automate Success Stories Uncovers Amazing Customer Insights

Metabolic Renewal, a popular wellness program used by over 2 million women world-wide, initially presented its weight loss solutions through DVDs and printed manuals. Recognizing the potential for greater impact, I spearheaded its evolution into a bespoke web-app experience, centered around user needs and a customized experience.
Metabolic Renewal
Summer 2023
Product Design
UX Strategy
User Research
UX / UI Design
Key insights from the Voice of the Customer initiative revealed a unanimous need for simplicity: "Just tell me what to do and I'll do it."
While some users craved detailed scientific reasoning to unlock their motivation, others found it overwhelming. This contrast underscored the need for a tailor-made solution, catering to each user's unique needs.
In-depth customer research was my compass in understanding our diverse user base. I dove head-first into their goals, challenges, and pain points, cultivating a deep empathy that fueled every decision. This approach was key to preemptively addressing potential user issues and crafting a program that not only led to physical transformation, but was something that our users would want to continue using.

A core feature to the program is the AI-driven, customized meal planner. It intelligently accommodated user preferences, dietary needs, and even psychological and psychological factors, ensuring an effective and enjoyable diet experience, taking care to not trigger the user's unique cravings and negative eating behaviors.
Armed with these insights, I crafted an experience that would personalize a wellness roadmap for each user. This included customized recommendations for their movement, nutrition, exercise, and recovery, all aimed at balancing their unique hormones and personal goals.

And for those who preferred to go at their own pace, I designed tailored movement-based collections. As opposed to the follow-along workouts where they would have to follow along live, this feature would provide a personal training-like experience, focused more on movement quality and coaching cues, allowing the user to go at their own pace.
The digital transformation also redefined how our users would engage with workouts. Whereas the old program would have the user follow along with DVDs, now they could easily cast the workout videos to their TVs or stream from their mobile devices.

By monitoring weekly biometric patterns like sleep, hunger, mood, energy, and cravings, it would provide a holistic view of the user's progress, maintaining their motivation beyond conventional scale measurements.
Progress tracking is key when it comes to maintaining momentum on a weight loss program. With that in mind, I designed a 'Metabolic Score' tracker to replace traditional weight tracking.

Early testing highlighted a crucial need for inclusivity in our workout designs, particularly for older users, who are core to our customer base.
In response, I integrated movement-specific modification videos into the workout detail pages, ensuring every person, regardless of fitness level, could follow along.
The prototype phase yielded an impressive near-100% user satisfaction rate.
Test users praised the intuitive experience and transformative features like the meal planner and progress tracker, underlining the app's potential to truly upgrade user engagement and success.

The prototype phase yielded an impressive near-100% user satisfaction rate. Test users praised the intuitive experience and transformative features like the meal planner and progress tracker, illustrating the design's potential to revolutionize user engagement and success.

Early testing highlighted a crucial need for inclusivity in our workout designs, particularly for older users. Responding swiftly, I integrated modification videos into workout sessions, ensuring accessibility and continued engagement for a broader user demographic.